Dealing with restless kids is a difficult job when you’re feeling restless yourself during the current health crisis. If you have a swimming pool in your yard, you’ve got the perfect solution on your hands! Take a load off by using the swimming pool to stay energized.
Pool activities will help you and your family by making sure you’re getting exercise, which creates endorphins in the brain. Swimming and relaxing aside, here are some great games that will amuse everyone and create a deeper bond between everyone in your home.
The Popsicle Pool Game
This variation on freeze-tag is excellent for kids seven years and older. A tagged player must stand still with their arms above their head — kind of like a popsicle! However, players can’t be tagged if they manage to duck underwater. While players are underwater, they can also unfreeze other players. The slow-moving antics involved in this game will have all of you laughing in no time.
Marco Polo
This classic never gets old! The player who’s chosen to be ‘It’ has to close their eyes and yell “Marco” as the other players respond with “Polo.” While trying to find people by calling out the classic phrase is excellent, kick it up a notch in the fun department by having “It” call out other things. Animal names and noises are an entertaining variation on this activity.
Octopus Pool Tag
Another fun twist on tag, this game works better with larger families. Players have to wade through the pool to get to the other side and avoid getting tagged. Once they’ve been tagged, they have to join hands and continue trying to tag other people. A chain will form, which makes trying to cut through water so much harder!
Duck Push
This game needs rubber ducks, but those can be substituted for any similar floatable item. Toss a whole bunch of them in the air and have your kids push them across the pool. The twist? They’re only allowed to use their noses.
Jump Quizzes
This is a quirky one! How it works is that one person must be Quizmaster. One of the adults can take this role so that the kids stay happy. The Quizmaster must ask questions from the players one at a time as they stand near the edge of the pool. The player has to jump as soon as the question is asked and cry out the answer before they hit the water. Make the questions sillier as it goes to get the best out of this game!
These games are a fantastic way to pass the time, but not if your pool isn’t built for this kind of roughhousing. Think about getting a quick remodel with our team of professional pool designers and builders.
Using the latest pool designs, our outdoor living space architects can help completely transform your outdated deck and swimming pool into a relaxation station. Check out some of our expert landscape designs for pool backyards or schedule a consultation now!
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