Summer is here, and with it comes the perfect opportunity to take a dip in your pool! One way to make this super fun is to introduce pool games to keep your kids entertained while they cool off during the hot summer months.
Here are eight fun pool games to keep your kids entertained all summer.
1. Marco Polo
This classic pool game is a great way to keep your kids entertained for hours. One player is “it” and has to close their eyes and the rest of the players can swim anywhere in the pool. The player who is “it” says “Marco” and the remaining players must respond with “Polo.” The “it” has to tag one of the players by listening to their voices and then they become the “it” and game continues.
2. Sharks and Minnows
This is another classic pool game that is sure to keep your kids entertained. One of the players is given the role of the shark while the rest play the minnows. The minnows try to swim from one side of the pool to the other without getting tagged by the shark. In case the minnow is tagged, they turn into a shark, and you continue to play.

3. Cannonball Contest
A cannonball contest is a great way to have fun with your kids through an enjoyable physical activity. Each player takes turns doing their best cannonball into the pool. The player who makes the biggest splash wins!
4. Pool Volleyball
Pool volleyball is a great game for kids of all ages. For this game, you will need a net, a ball and two teams! The team that scores the most points wins.
5. Treasure Hunt
A treasure hunt is a great way to keep your kids entertained for hours. Hide objects around the pool and give your kids a list of things to find. The first player to find all of the items on the list wins.
6. Noodle Jousting
Noodle jousting is a fun and creative game that your kids will love. Give all players a pool noodle each. During the game, all the players try to knock other players off their noodles. The player who is the last person standing wins!
5. Beach Ball Relay Race
A beach ball relay race is a great way to stay active and have fun during summer. Divide the players into two teams and give each team a beach ball. The players must pass the beach ball from one player to the next without using their hands. The first team to finish the relay race wins!
6. Pool Basketball
Pool basketball is another great game for kids of all ages. For this game, you will need a ball and a basketball hoop. Make two teams and start playing! The team that scores the most points wins.
Contact Perfect Pools for Pool Installation
If you’re looking for pool contractors in Ashburn for pool installation, get in touch with us at Perfect Pools. We’ll install and get a pool ready for you as per your preference just before summer arrives.
Contact Perfect Pools today!