The Ultimate Checklist to Vet Swimming Pool Builders!
Oct 17, 2021
If you’re considering having a pool built somewhere on your property, you already know there are many decisions to make and tasks to wrap up. The most important decision is hiring the right pool contractor or builder for the job.
This blog will discuss all the characteristics you should look for when vetting the best swimming pool builders.
1. Customer Feedback
Customer experience is an essential aspect of any service-oriented business. When you’re considering a prospective pool builder or contractor, make sure to check out their reviews.
If the reviews carry specific details about how that contractor was helpful for the client, that’s even better. These details will help you understand what it’ll be like working with the company you’re considering.
2. Confirmed Licensing and Experience
A swimming pool built by a pool contractor in Leesburg with the handles to exit
Make sure the company you’re vetting is insured for damages and is licensed for its services. You can find this information by back-tracking the license with its board.
A pro tip here is to ask if the business name is the same as that on the company’s license. If it’s not the same, ask why.
3. Call References
It’s great that you’ve already looked at some reviews. However, a better alternative is to personally reach out to their previous clients to ask them about their experiences. The more references a company can give regarding the projects they’ve completed, the better. For example, if a company finished 80 installations last year but can only provide five references, that’s a bad sign. A higher ratio, say 45-50 shows that most of their customers are happy with their results.
Try to call at least ten references. Ask them whether they’d work with the contractor again, what they’d do differently now, the challenging aspects of the installation job, and more. You can also ask them what kind of pool they want so you can find out whether their project was similar to yours.
4. Do They Have Workmanship Warranty?
A workmanship warranty is essential because it covers issues that can arise in the pool building and maintenance processes like plumbing issues, leaks, structural issues, etc.
Find out how long your prospective contractor’s workmanship warranty lasts.
Looking for a Swimming Pool Contractor? Get The Best Swimming Pool Designer in South Riding, Purcellville, Leesburg, and More
Whether you need maintenance services or a pool builder, Perfect Pools has the experience and reputation you’re looking for. Our team of expert pool builders and contractors will ensure you end up with the swimming pool of your dreams.
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