It’s important to maintain your pool all year round. When winter approaches, people often worry about preventing pool freeze damage and any costly repairs that they might have to pay for. If you ignore the damages, then there could be some serious consequences to that.
Here are some ways you can prevent pool damage during the upcoming winter season.
Winterize The Pool
Winterizing your pool before the winter will help prevent freeze damage. You can do this by cleaning the debris and removing any frost build-up on the surface of the pool. Drain the water out from the pool’s pump, heater, filter, or any other equipment.
Clean the pipes dry to minimize the risk of water freeze or you will have to funnel in pool anti-freeze to remedy this. The water level should be perfect, so it doesn’t create cracks in the tiles or damages the pool design.
Lastly, cover the pool so that it remains protected from any freeze damage. People who live in regions with extreme winters have to run the pool pumps all the time because the continuous running of the pool will prevent any freezing.
Automatic Freeze Guard
The best pool builders install automatic freeze guards systems that will detect when the temperature when falling to freezing. These systems will automatically pump your pool, so that the water keeps running to prevent it from freezing.
Once the outside temperature becomes warm again, the pool pump will automatically turn off. This system will save you time and energy.
Cleaning Your Pool
Even if you’ve a winter pool cover, you’ll still have to clean the pool to prevent any thin ice from forming on the water’s surface. The soil of in-ground pools can expand in cool temperatures and will cause cracks in the tiles, ruining the pool’s aesthetic.
Always make sure the water level is right when you clean your pool.
Shut the Pool Down
Power failures during the winter can spell disaster for your pools. You might have to shut down the power during snowstorms. Open up closed valves and remove the screws of the drain plug from your pool pump and replace them when the power’s back on. And then you can turn the pool pump back on.
Final Thought
Sometimes, there is no one way to keep your pool from freezing, so keep an eye on the temperature and the water levels at all times. You will have to maintain it regularly, but these tips can only help protect your pools and the equipment.
Looking to install a pool in your home? Perfect Pools is the right service for you. We’re well-known around Sterling, VA, for our award-winning pool building and pool designing services.
Avoid problems in the holiday season and call us now!