Just the sheer idea of having a backyard pool has many homeowners dreaming about relaxing in the water after a day’s of hard work, throwing weekend parties, and getting the perfect tan. However, one critical aspect of being a pool owner is often left forgotten in these daydreams: pool maintenance.
To keep looking its best and functioning optimally, a swimming pool requires proper maintenance and care. Without it, it’s likely to develop a variety of unpleasant and unsightly problems, such a chipping tiles, pealing plaster, broken filter, and green water. And let’s be honest – nobody likes to take a dip in a pool that has seen better days.
Over the course of this blog post, we’ll list some pool-care tips that’ll keep your backyard pool looking pristine for years.
Incorporate Scrubbing and Skimming as a Vital Part of Your Pool Care Routine
While skimming out debris and leaves from your pool surface is Pool-Care 101, it’s something that’s worth repeating. If you really want to keep your pool in tip-top condition, make skimming a part of your daily pool-care routine. If you can afford it, consider investing in a pool vacuum that will keep your pool debris-free.
Regular scrubbing is also vitally important as it prevents algae building up on the sides of the pool. Inspect your pool thoroughly on a weekly basis, and if you come across any growths, go at it with a scrub brush.
Clean Out the Pool Filter Periodically
The role of a pool filter is similar to the one our kidneys perform in our bodies. It works constantly to remove impurities, such as dirt and leaves, from the water. While most pool owners know the importance of cleaning out the filter basket on a weekly basis, not many realize that it’s important to clean out the pipes of the filter system once a month as well. The impurities that manage to escape the filter start accumulating in the pipes.
Thankfully, cleaning out the pipes is quite easy. You simply have to remove the leaf basket, and set the filter to “backwash”.
Ensure That the Chemical Balance is Always Right
Perhaps the most important aspect of pool maintenance are the chemical levels. An improper chemical balance not only irritates the eyes and skin, but can also cause your pool surface to wear out prematurely. It ca also turn your pool into a breeding ground for bacteria. Experts recommend that you test your water at least twice a week.
According to the CDC, the following are the chemical levels you should consider:
· Calcium hardness
· Free chorine levels
· pH levels
· Cyanuric acid levels
· Total alkalinity
As one of the leading pool contractors, renovators, and landscape designers in Virginia—including Leesburg, Aldie, and Hamilton—we offers a wide range of services. Whether you need to spruce up a bleak and damaged pool or invest in a fresh addition, they can help you out!
For more information, call 571-267-7488.
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